Dymocks Tutoring
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Year 6 English at Dymocks Tutoring, is setting your child up for success in high school, by building on core foundational skills that will be used throughout your child’s education, and following the NSW Curriculum, a term ahead of school, to help you get ahead in the classroom. With a core focus on creative writing, including Poetry, Critical Thinking and text analysis, as well as key writing foundations to build literacy skills, including initial essay writing and starting longer-form content. Dymocks Tutoring sets you up for success throughout your education with a strong English curriculum and focus.
Talent 100 helps ambitious students aiming to excel academically, with high-achieving tutors and a focus on Opportunity Class, Selective Schools, and top ATARs in the HSC.
Dymocks Tutoring helps students master their schoolwork, providing the support and confidence they need to stay on top or catch up in any subject.
Explore the table below to compare programs and find the perfect fit.
Dymocks Term 1 Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Students learn about what visual texts are and a range of visual techniques that might be used by composers.
Lesson 2: Students begin examining a short film and practice comprehension and visual literacy skills through writing about how it creates its world and characters.
Lesson 3: Students learn about what 'themes and ideas' are and begin to practice analysing a visual text.
Lesson 4: Students learn further visual techniques as well as the structure of a short-answer response.
Lesson 5: Students begin reading a new picture book and practice reading comprehension and interpreting a text's symbolic meaning.
Lesson 6: Students continue to practice analysing a text's themes and ideas as well as short-answer comprehension questions.
Lesson 7: Students learn about how to write longer, extended responses about a text's meaning.
Lesson 8: Students learn about how to quickly understand and interpret unseen texts in a reading/viewing exam.
Lesson 9: Students complete their final assessment task: an exam on both the texts studied this term as well as new, unseen visual texts.
Dymocks Term 2 Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Students learn about types of poetry, and practice both reading and interpreting the meaning of short poems as well as composing their own poetry.
Lesson 2: Students learn about a range of poetic techniques and practice both identifying them and using them in their own writing.
Lesson 3: Students learn about what "themes and ideas" in poetry are, and practice reading comprehension of new poems.
Lesson 4: Students learn about what imagery and symbolism are, and practice identifying them in poems and using them in their own writing.
Lesson 5: Students do a close study of a poem, writing about its themes and using examples to support their ideas.
Lesson 6: Students complete a close study of a second poem, writing about its themes and using examples to support their ideas.
Lesson 7: Students learn about how poems can use parody and practice analysing and interpreting an example of a parody poem.
Lesson 8: Students learn how to write their own poem and present it to the class.
Lesson 9: Students complete their final assessment for the unit: an exam on an unseen poem and a creative writing task.
Dymocks Term 3 Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Students learn about persuasive techniques that a composer might use, and practice identifying the purpose and audience of a range of persuasive texts.
Lesson 2: Students learn about the three rhetorical appeals and practice analysing a persuasive text, identifying its techniques and explaining its purpose.
Lesson 3: Students learn about multimodal texts and practice comprehending and analysing an example of an ad.
Lesson 4: Students practice comprehending and analysing a new ad, and learn how to write a structured analytical response.
Lesson 5: Students complete a range of short answer questions on a new, more complex persuasive text.
Lesson 6: Students learn about how to compose their own persuasive pieces, particularly what makes an effective opening.
Lesson 7: Students practice composing their own persuasive pieces, with a focus on using persuasive techniques in their own work.
Lesson 8: Students learn about the features of a good speech and practice composing their own.
Lesson 9: Students complete their final exam for this unit: analysing a new persuasive text and composing their own short persuasive response.
Dymocks Term 4 Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Students learn about what it means to "analyse" a text, learn a range of language techniques authors may use, and practice reading comprehension.
Lesson 2: Students continue to practice reading comprehension and how to identify language techniques in a text and write about their meaning.
Lesson 3: Students learn about the bildungsroman genre and begin to analyse how extracts from a text contain ideas about growing up.
Lesson 4: Students learn about how character and setting are used in texts, and practice their own imaginative writing using the key rule of "show not tell."
Lesson 5: Students learn about how the bildungsroman genre is reflected in a text, and practice structuring an analytical response.
Lesson 6: Students continue to practice and extend their reading comprehension by writing both critically and creatively about a text.
Lesson 7: Students learn about how to analyse visual texts.
Lesson 8: Students learn about the elements and structure of a narrative, and how to write effective openings.
Lesson 9: Students complete their final assessment for the term: composing a narrative that explores the themes and ideas raised in the texts this term.
Review 20 min
A review of prior week to reinforce learning and retention.
Explore 20 min
Students are guided through detailed analysis of the subject material by the tutor. The aim is to break up material so that it can be manageably understood and retained by students.
Practice 40 min
A practical session where students are guided on how to answer questions and offered feedback on their answers.
Synthesise 10 min
Students test their mastery of the concepts presented through a short quiz. Real time feedback is given to identify areas for further practice. Students test their mastery of the concepts presented through a short quiz.
Your child doesn't need a teacher. They need a tutor who can help them break down the subject and identify areas of improvement.
We understand how to study smarter, not harder. That's why we condense our notes to give students only what they need to get ahead.
Unlike competitors, we limit classes to 12 so students get the attention they need in an interactive and engaging environment.
Each student gets guaranteed personal attention in dedicated practice time.
Our classrooms are designed to get the job done. Equipped with fast wi-fi and digital boards, they provide everything for students to study smart and get ahead.
Many of our subjects have additional video support to help students understand concepts in their own time.
Using the Dymocks App you're able to keep track of weekly scores as well as tutor feedback. Few other businesses provide the level of feedback we do.
Each subject has at least one and many have more than one topic test. Written in actual exam style we ensure students are prepared for success at school.
Our NEW state-of-the art Max system helps students learn by providing quizzes and, over time, personalised mastery paths to get to success easier.
As a member of our broader community, get access to academic advice and invitations to events and seminars to ensure you're always in the know.
Students are able to access their resources until the end of the academic year. Perfect for that end of year practice!
All new students receive a no-obligation lesson to ensure that they love us before they enrol. Talk to our team today!
Our year 6 English tutors will follow the NSW Curriculum a term ahead of school to help your child succeed in the classroom. There will be a core focus on creative writing, poetry, critical thinking, textual analysis, and key writing foundations to help students build their literacy skills, from essay writing to longer-form content.
Students can commence their studies once they have successfully enrolled in the subject. They will complete a quiz or other task at the start and end of the lesson to demonstrate their understanding of concepts and practice in preparation for exams.
There are four terms in English year 6, including:
Each term includes nine weekly lessons and a weekly review quiz or summative assessment, plus an end-of-term exam to ensure students respond well to the relevant concepts for each term.
Dymocks Tutoring in Australia offers small group or private year 6 English tutoring at [display_price] per term. You can save 10% with discounts, which makes the course highly affordable! It includes nine weekly lessons per term for 1.5 hours per lesson and access to one-on-one support. Our tutors — former students and professional teachers — are subject matter experts to help students reach their full potential.
Dymocks Tutoring offers a free trial to all students to determine if our year 6 English tutoring is well suited to their needs.