Tutoring is for everyone

There are many reasons parents choose tutoring for their children. Some parents feel unable to help their children with schoolwork. Others may find their children are more receptive to working through school struggles with another person. Tutoring can help strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills.

As a parent we want the best for our kids
I am a parent. Like most parents the future well-being of my kids is on my mind a lot. 
One of the big questions parents ask is whether it is necessary to invest in tutoring.

Should you consider tutoring?
I recognise that everyone has a view on tutoring. My view is that whether tutoring is right in your situation is a matter for you. After all, you know your kids. 
So, to decide on tutoring, you need some facts. 

Let’s start with what tutoring is
The first thing to understand is what ‘tutoring’ is. This can get confusing because many people use ‘tutoring’ and ‘coaching’ as if they are the same. They are not. Tutoring helps a student to learn information or develop skills. The purpose is to master a concept or discipline. Academic coaching is all about giving students strategies to succeed across multiple subjects.
At a good tutoring centre, the best approach is a blend of tutoring and coaching.

Tutoring is not for when you are struggling or a high achiever
Tutoring is commonly used for struggling students or high achievers. Tutoring can be for every student. To understand why you need to know how it helps.

The Top 4 benefits of tutoring (according to me)
Every person you speak to will have a different set of reasons why tutoring is beneficial. For me, the most important are the 4 below. These 4 reasons are true regardless of the type of student. 

  1. Tutoring provides the student with additional exposure to the subject material. That is, they spend more time with the material. This improves their familiarity with the subject. This in turn improves their recollection of the information. 
  2. Tutoring gives the student opportunity and time to develop and practice the skills required for the subject. Practice will always improve performance regardless of the student’s previous level. In a sense it is no different than developing a talent like sport – the more you practice, the better you get.
  3. Tutoring also gives the student more opportunity for feedback. Teachers at school do their best to provide feedback to all their many students. At a tutoring centre, with fewer students, a tutor can provide further feedback. This helps the student improve their performance.
  4. Tutoring provides a ‘safe space’ for a student to learn from mistakes. When a student is at their own school they are subject to peer pressure. Students do not want to look like they do not know something in front of friends and peers. In tutoring, this pressure is largely removed. The student will not know the other members of their small group and so peer pressure is not a concern. The student has freedom to ask the “silly questions” that improve their understanding and performance.

So tutoring is for everyone
All the benefits above can help any student. That’s why we say that tutoring is for everyone. The student’s efforts, combined with extra practice and feedback, will always improve performance. 

Shameless plug 😊
I know, I work for a tutoring business so of course I say tutoring is good. Don’t take my word for it. Test it for yourself.
At Potentia Tutoring we offer free trial lessons. These trials give the family a chance to see whether they can get the benefits of tutoring (spoiler: they can). So if you whether you want to improve marks, confidence or just improve – reach out today.

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