Dymocks Tutoring
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English is the one subject that students know will have a huge bearing on their university options and since it is compulsory, thousands of those that are preparing to sit their HSC exams seek out a HSC English tutor in Castle Hill every year. While the comfort of additional study and focus outside the classroom can provide a degree of comfort and security, unless the subject matter is delivered in a way that complements the student’s own aptitudes and approach to learning, then it can do little more than waste money and time.
Read moreEnglish is a core subject, not only for the HSC but also for success in later life. Achieving good results in the HSC can make a considerable difference to the future of your child’s education. If you’re trying to find ways in which you can help your child achieve their potential, an online HSC tutor in Castle Hill is the perfect way to broaden your child’s horizons. An online tutor can support your child as they explore the subjects required for HSC success and help them to build their confidence, encouraging them at all times.
Tutoring with Dymocks is not just extra school time. Although practice makes perfect for a great many skills, learning in a way which builds confidence and a real grasp of the subject is not something that can be achieved through rote or repetition. An understanding of the English language can offer people so much more than good spelling and grammar. There is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered for us all, but a good grasp of English is necessary in order to read about the subjects we enjoy most, to analyse the information that is presented to us and distil true meaning from large quantities of information. This is true whether we want to achieve a career as a renowned lexicographer or whether we want a career in engineering. Dymocks Tutoring is focused on developing a student’s passion for their subject and learning of all kinds; however, we know that English is a real foundation for all other learning.
Tutoring is not like getting your child to attend school on the weekends or take after school classes. We support our students through their learning and development by breaking big topics down into smaller, easy to manage chunks. Learning is no longer a huge challenge when it’s reduced to interactive activities, online discussion and videos and quizzes which spark curiosity and encourage engagement. Tutoring in this way enables the student to learn without feeling like they are restrained to the classroom and in fact,99% of our students felt our online tutoring methods made their schoolwork easier and improved their confidence.
Our passion is education and our ultimate goal is to instil that same passion into every student who works with us. We’ve built a successful legacy, spanning 140 years, so we’re confident we can achieve these results in the future as well.
If you think your child could benefit from an online HSC English tutor in Castle Hill, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and find out more about our courses, schedules and pricing options. We don’t require you to pay for our services upfront as we think tutoring should be as accessible as possible for as many children as possible, so we are happy to accept payment in instalments for our online tutoring.
To book your child a place or to find out more, get in touch today on 1300 33 77 88 to speak to one of our team.